Who Am I?

Kevin Valente

Automotive Fanatic - Web Designer - Active Living Enthusiast

What Is My Passion?

My Goal in life is to make a positive impact in this world. I love meeting new people, traveling to new places and getting out of my comfort zone. I am a lifetime learner, and I truly believe that knowledge is power. I have spent my 20's in various fields including education, management training, and financial planning. Understanding businesses and the financial decisions of people intrigues me. I would like to work for a company that is making the world a better place. Hobbies include: cars, wood working, web design and craft beer.

Connect With Me

Collaborative Projects

Buddy Battle is an online application for competitive friends to host and track challenges.Create a challenge, Set a time frame for how long the challenge lasts and choose how you want to measure progress. Then, invite your friends and compete away. May the best buddy win! Click Below!

Collaborated with: Nathan Maloney & Catherine Liu

Search for local events of varying types within a certain time frame. You will be redirected to a page that shows you all the events you can choose from and information about them. Click the button on the event of your choice and it will move the google map to the area near the event for restaurants in the area. Click Below!

Collaborated with: Nathan Maloney & Saul Saul Perea-Garayzar